NMRss Icon Nuclear Magnetic Resonance solvent signals (NMRss) is useful for seeing if a signal is due to a common impurity or solvent.

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How to use NMRss

Nomograph How To

  1. Select the solvent in which the NMR spectrum was obtained by tapping the solvent name > select a solvent. The first line displays the residual solvent signal(s) and the multiplicity of the signal(s).
  2. Toggle between proton or carbon nucleus by tapping ¹H/¹³C - the nucleus that is displayed is the currently selected one.
  3. A list of the solvent names, shifts, signal identities, and the multiplicities (with coupling constant where appropriate) is displayed.
  4. To more easily find potential matches for a given signal, a chemical shift range can be defined using the ‘from’ and ‘to’ boxes. Tapping ‘search’ will then highlight any shifts within the defined range.
  5. The order of the solvent signals can be changed by tapping the ‘order’ button and selecting an option.


  • Both a dark and a light theme are available:
    android < Q: tap the theme icon in the top right to toggle dark/highlight
    android > Q: the theme is matched to the global settings of the phone
    iOS < 13: tap the theme icon in the top right to toggle dark/highlight
    iOS > 13: the theme is matched to the global settings of the phone
  • The default solvent on opening the app can be set:
    android: the last used solvent is set when the app opens
    iOS: the last used solvent is set when the app opens

* The order of ‘default’ is that which matches the classic paper that most research chemists (and likely everyone who finds their way to this page) are familiar with: Organometallics, Vol. 29, No. 9, 2010.